Artist Statement
I believe, through working creatively we can hope to communicate better and realise new ways of living that are beneficial to the world. Through my practice, I aim to explore the existing and possible future relationships between people and places. Via practising with wood & metal, paper & print my focus remains on skilled craft. I intend to retain traditional practices and always hope for final outcomes to be reminiscent of hands-on processes, as it is the joy & relief of making that motivates me. I use colour and elaborate forms to reinvigorate histories & memories to be seen afresh in the present, creating work that reflects curiosity and an excitement for life.
Interrogating the act of restoration, I explore how works of antiquity are as malleable as paint itself. It is our choice what we choose to keep and what we choose to forget. A respect for the “off-cut” juxtaposes references belonging to the long entrenched Western Art Canon which is, in part, responsible for the way we see. Drawing remains a constant love and is a prerequisite to everything. Like a time traveller, I collect and collage information from different epochs, finding new ways of making by embracing multiple perspectives.
Born 1999, London.
Works, Glasgow.